Database management system ( DBMS) is a software system facilitating the creation and maintenance of a database and the execution of computer programs using the database. 数据库管理系统是一种软件系统。它便于建立和维护数据库以及使用数据库执行计算机程序。
Objective To evaluate three different maintenance treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease programs in long-term maintenance treatment of costs, effect. 目的评价三种不同维持治疗方案在胃食管反流病长期维持治疗中的成本、效果。
Hospital computer network security and maintenance a trading technique involving large blocks of stock with trades triggered by computer programs. 医院计算机网络安全与维护经验技巧通过计算机程序触发大批交易股票的贸易技巧。
Take a lead in development, maintenance and implementation of the prioritized C& B programs, i.e.Salary Structure, Job Grading System and Staff Incentive System. 在发展、维持和执行优先的薪资福利方案中起带头作用,方案包括:薪酬结构、工作分级系统、员工激励机制。
A set of software tools to simplify the development and maintenance of application programs involving formatted I/ O to video terminals. 一组软件工具,用以简化涉及对显示终端进行输入输出格式化的应用程序的开发和维护。
Facts are important components in logic programs. Facts Maintenance impacts coherence and integrity of logic programs and can accelerate rules maintenance. 事实是逻辑程序的重要组成部分,事实维护影响着整个逻辑程序的一致性和完整性,并能够促进和完善规则维护。
Effective behavioral interventions and substitution maintenance treatment should become an integral part of detoxification programs. 结论反复多次地接受戒毒治疗并不能改变吸毒者感染艾滋病的高危吸毒行为和性行为。有效的行为干预和替代维持治疗应该成为戒毒治疗的重要组成部分。
The system was a dual-core based on product structure and configuration management module and workflow management module, and used model objects as the medium to transfer data between system layers, facilitated the maintenance and management of the programs. 系统以产品结构与配置管理模块和工作流管理模块为双核心,以模型对象为系统中各层之间数据传递的桥梁,方便程序的维护与管理。
The function of the second part is to development and maintenance of the various departments 'research programs, each research program includes program detail information and ancillary documents. Ancillary documents are stored on the ftp server in file form which can be downloaded by the applier. 部门科研计划管理主要功能是用来制定和维护各个部门的科研计划,每个科研计划都包括计划的详细信息和附属文档,其中附属文档以文件的形式保存在ftp服务器上,可供申请者下载浏览。